Tuesday, September 24, 2013


NY Diamond Boutique

71-46 Austin Street- Forest Hills, NY 718-544-0222



  The creation of gemstone jewelry dates back thousands of years to ancient stories found in the Bible and elsewhere. Most scholars agree that the stories and myths behind this form of jewelry can be traced to the story of the "Breastplate of Aaron," which was a ceremonial and spiritual garment that was inlaid with twelve natural gemstones. It's believed that each of these gemstones represented the twelve tribes of Israel from the Old Testament and are associated with the Twelve Apostles.In modern times, the belief that the twelve gemstones present on the Breastplate of Aaron was extended to include additional meaning. 

The practice of assigning meaning to stones was probably associated to astrological practices and the custom of wearing gemstones as in birthstone jewelry was first seen in 15th century Poland. In the early 1900s the connection of specific stones to birth months was formalized in the United States; although criticized by gemstone purists as a commercially motivated effort, people from across the world now embrace the concept of birthstones and the ability to place deeper meaning in the gemstone jewelry that they wear.

As you search for gemstone jewelry, the folklore and myths associated with each gemstone offer greater interest and enjoyment. While it may require some homework, identifying the characteristics and meaning of each gemstone will give your jewelry more meaning. Some sample meanings include prosperity, luck, serenity and more. In addition, gemstones are considered by many to possess a variety of healing qualities and personality traits. Regardless of your beliefs, gemstones and the jewelry in which they are featured have a long and interesting history.


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